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Electrical safety in homes and work places & its importance

Accidents due to electricity are becoming very common across the country, especially in homes, industrial and commercial buildings and hospitals. The recent fire incidents in COVID hospitals are examples of accidents from electricity in critical places. Majority of electrical accidents such as “fire due to short-circuit” are due to unawareness and non usage of recommended safety measures in the code of practices such as IS3043, IS732 & NEC.

India has been facing an increasing demand for electricity while moving towards the vision of SMART CITIES. But on the other side, the rate of electrical incidents is frequent, and medias viewed ‘Short Circuit’, as the main culprit of at least 65 % of the total fire incidents.  According to data from the National Crime Records Bureau (1), in 2015, about 2255 persons died due to fire caused by electrical short circuits.  As per the data of Indian Copper Association, the year 2016 witnessed 11444 electrical accidents involving 4799 deaths. The Central Electricity Authority data attributes 40 % of deaths at the workplace to electrical issues and 13 deaths on average per day by electrocution in India, which is the highest in the world. Electricity is recognized as serious workplace hazard, exposing electric shock, thermal burns, fires, and explosions to human beings.

Published news across India gives a fair idea about FIRE DUE TO SHORT CIRCUIT in India

News from various media (courtesy: various news papers)

mumbai fire news 04 feb 2022.png


(Source: Electrical safety seminar by CEA on March 2016 - presented by FESIA, Japan


India have the maximum accidents due to electrocution

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India scores the least in safety out of G20 nations

Supported and participated by

VIDYUT SURAKSHIT BHARAT ABHIYAN (c/o National Federation of Engineers for Electrical Safety)

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